About us

The BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH (BIO CM) is closely connected to North Rhine-Westphalia’s official institution BIO.NRW though being an independent enterprise. BIO CM supports the aims of BIO.NRW by various means, especially by business operations. Consequently, BIO CM is focused on the development of the life science industry of Germany’s largest federal state and offers various services including project management, business event organization, preparation of business studies, and many more.

The company was founded in Düsseldorf (Germany) in 2011 as an entrepreneurial company with limited liability by Bernward Garthoff, a year later by capital increase, the registered regional association partners, BioRiver-Life Science im Rheinland e.V. and BioIndustry e.V. joined to form as a limited liability company at the commercial registered under HRB 65649, Düsseldorf. In December 2015, Bernward Garthoff handed over a major part of his registered share to the charity organization Förderverein Biotechnologie NRW e.V. by that now the major shareholder.

Structure of the Biotechnology Network North Rhine-Westphalia

BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH (BIO CM) is one of three central pillars of the network Biotechnology North Rhine-Westphalia, BIO.NRW.

BIO CM implements various services that serve the primary interest and task areas of the network. It is the economically active part of the network and contributes to the financing of selected activities and events of BIO.NRW – the Home of Biotech.

The office BIO.NRW itself is operated by the research center Jülich (FZJ) commissioned by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State NRW (MWIKE). BIO.NRW is not an association with members.

The Förderverein Biotechnologie NRW e.V. (Registered Association for the Sponsoring of Biotechnology NRW) is a non-profit organization that supports selected aspects of biotechnology in NRW, particularly focusing on the stimulation of young talent. The association uses projects to compensate for the lack of graduates in the STEM subjects related to life sciences.



BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH
Merowingerplatz 1
40225 Düsseldorf


+49 (0)211 942 150 49


working hours

Mon. – Fri.:     8:00 – 17:00
Sat. & Sun.:    closed

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