ChInValue – Internationalization of leading-edge clusters

In 2017 BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH (BIO CM) in concert with BIO.NRW The Home of Biotech has been granted the prestigious BMBF (National Ministry of Education and Research) funded project „Internationalization of leading-edge clusters, future projects, and comparable networks” with China as a partner country. The goal was the establishment of the NRW-China Life Science Business Forum as a permanent and sustainable structure under the organizational sponsorship of BIO.NRW and the development of cooperation and innovation structures in the life science sector in NRW and the partner provinces (Jiangsu and Sichuan in the beginning) into sustainable and innovative value chains.
Through several delegation trips BIO CM and BIO.NRW strategically expanded network contacts between NRW and the Yangtze delta area* where a number of large and economically strong cities like Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and others are located. The first Chinese network partner within this project was China Medical City (CMC) in Taizhou, Jiangsu (Yangtzekiang delta region) followed by further closed alliances with over 10 Chinese partner organizations, including signing of two “Memorandum of Understanding”.
Subsequent mutual delegation visits led to an efficient support of business development activities between NRW and Chinese life science enterprises and successful initiation of new industry collaborations. Based on the long history of partnership between NRW and Chinese provinces reaching back more than three decades, BIO CM and BIO.NRW are pursuing a long-term internationalization strategy to establish a bridge between NRW and China.
Within the project, BIO CM organized several workshops covering topics like “Intellectual Property”, “Market Entry Strategies” or “Cultural Properties” to prepare the NRW community and company representatives interested in a market entry in China.
The project was funded until 2020 and is now perpetuated. BIO CM has successfully been building up a comprehensive expertise as a dedicated professional agency supporting the business development of both, NRW and Chinese companies. Through its Chinese native employees, BIO CM can directly access Chinese networks and sources of information. BIO CM continuous to organize and offer business workshops and delegation trips including exhibition booth packages at key events in China. Furthermore, BIO CM offers the identification of potential partners and the conduction of business studies including market entry studies according to the specific interests and requirements for companies interested to enter either the Chinese or German market.
*The Yangtze delta region with about 150 million inhabitants accounts for roughly 10 % of China’s population but more than 20 % of the nation’s GDP.