Project Management

In past projects, BIO CM regularly offered its services to life science companies, particularly in the field of biotechnology.

Through its expertise in the target country, its local knowledge and its network, BIO CM can support internationalization to new European and non-European markets.

The tailor-made projects include services such as market entry studies, expert interviews, support with clinical trials and pilot projects as well as access to a large network of life science companies, research institutes, medical faculties and university hospitals as well as lawyers, investors, distributors and manufacturers.

We have gained valuable insights into our target market including the regulatory and reimbursement landscape. With the help of BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH we got introduced to hospitals and KOLs.

That will enable us to enter the market more smoothly.

Ivón Landa

International Business Director, Ventura Medical Technologies

Thanks to the help of the BIO Clustermanagement NRW’s GmbH team we got in contact with a Chinese provider of consumer products who needed an upgrade license in order to distribute also medical products in wholesale.

Due to the excellent facilitation of the Chinese-speaking experts of BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH, we agreed and signed the business contracts. The whole administrative process was professionally supported by BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH’s team. 

Sven Malinka

Managing Director, Globi–Pharm GmbH & CoKG

BIO Clustermanagement NRW’s team has always taken the time to discuss our needs or concerns and responded promptly and clearly to our questions. Staff providing the service are friendly and professional.

Dr. Elisabet Mateu Huertas

Commercial Director, ZeClinics

Event & PR Management

Since the very start until today, one central activity has been the organization of events of various kinds covering all aspects of logistics and content management.

BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH (BIO CM) has a high expertise in the organization of dedicated workshops and specialized meetings with 30 – 50 experts, as well as experiences in hosting conferences, such as the BIO-Europe conference in Cologne (2015) with about 4500 attendees or the German Biotech Days in 2016 (Cologne) with more than 900 participants. Since 2012 BIO CM is commissioned by BIO.NRW to realize the annual International Business Angel Congress. Meanwhile a well-known event for all business angels, investors, venture capitalists and institutional investors as well as founders and small to medium sized enterprises (incl. startups) in the biotech and life science scene.

Furthermore, BIO CM offers location promotion and marketing for your target region and increases the visibility of your company. In cooperation with BIO.NRW, BIO CM organizes joint booths at trade fairs, for instance at the BIO Convention in the USA or, since 2021, at the Greener Manufacturing Show. Thereby BIO CM manages the planning and coordination of the stalls themselves as well as the promotion and the exhibitor management.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Ms. Pia Drache.

Startup support

BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH is dedicated to strengthening the life science industry in Germany with a special focus on the largest German state, North Rhine-Westphalia. BIO CM aims to provide young companies with access to its investor and coaching network.

With strictly confidential investor circles, a platform to present your business model can be offered to startups, young companies and international companies within the biotech and life sciences. To learn more about the investor network, please click here.

For young and high-growth companies, coaching and strategic as well as operational consultings are important tools to enhance individual strengths and to develop new skills and competences. BIO CM has a qualified coaching network ranging from individuals at board or CEO level to transposition and financial experts with relevant experience in industry and business. The experts optimally support young companies in the establishment of a business idea, turnarounds or the further development of personal skills.

BIO CM is happy to support you in finding a suitable partner for your needs.​


Funding offers for and with coaching services
Promotion of business consultancies for SMEs

Since January 01, 2023, the new funding guideline “Förderung von Unternehmensberatung für KMU” (Promotion of business consultancies for SMEs) has been effective, which allows small and medium-sized enterprises to receive funding for 5 consultations within the period of validity (until 31 December 2026). The maximum duration of a consultancy is 40 hours, divided into 5 days of 8 hours each. The consultancy costs are funded up to a maximum value of 3,500 €; depending on the region, the funding rate is 50 – 80%.

Consultations with legal, insurance and tax consulting contents are excluded from the promotion.

Eligible for funding are micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises with their registered office and business operations or branch office in Germany.

The program “Promotion of Management Consultancies for SMEs” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and the European Social Fund Plus. Further information can be found here.

EXIST Business Start-up Grant

Under the EXIST start-up grant, start-up teams are given  the opportunity to develop a business plan and to prepare for their business start-up with the support of their university or research institution for a period of 12 months. During the start-up grant, EXIST offers a financial support amounting to 5000 € for founding-related coaching. The intention of the coaching is training in fields like business plan and founding preparation, business management and other founding relevant issues. Not eligible for funding from the budget are coaching with technical and design questions and costs of the founding process like notary and registration fees.

Universities and research institutions based in Germany that employ start-up teams are eligible to apply.

The submission of the grant applications is possible at any time.

Further information for the EXIST Business start-up Grant can be found here.

EXIST Transfer of Research

The EXIT Transfer of Research supports research oriented projects with the main goal to start business operations. In the first phase of funding consultations and coaching are supported with a budget of 10000 €. Coaching include business financing as well as further steps for the preparation and implementation of the business start-up. Eligible to apply are universities and research institutions based in Germany that employ start-up teams.

Applications for funding may be submitted from January 01 to January 31 and from July 01 to July 31 of a calendar year.

Further information for the EXIST Transfer of Research can be found here.


The funding focuses on women who are already pursuing a concrete start-up theme or would like to develop a suitable start-up idea and is aimed at women with a university or vocational degree or female students in Germany.

The duration amounts to twelve months and includes, among other things, accompanying advice and support from a start-up support network to promote soft skills, initiate creativity and inventiveness and enable an active exchange of experience.

A lump sum of up to €2,000 per founder is budgeted for material expenses. This includes, for example, consulting services and coaching.

Eligible applicants are universities and research institutions in Germany that have established or are planning to establish consulting services for female entrepreneurs and are are integrated into a start-up network.

The funding guideline is valid until December 31, 2024, and applications can be submitted until September 30, 2023.

Further information can be found here.

Go-to-Market Gutschein

The “Go-to-Market Gutschein” funding measure supports start-ups in the development of prototypes for digital products in order to facilitate their market entry. The aim is to increase the number of successful start-ups that offer innovative technologies and solutions.

The program is supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Start-ups based in North Rhine-Westphalia that have been in existence for no more than three years, have fewer than 10 employees and have an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total of no more than 2 million euros are eligible to apply.

Coaching services and other consulting services can be funded with up to 5,000 euros, with a maximum grant of 3,500 euros.
Applications can be submitted until October 31, 2026.

Further information and an FAQ can be found here.